Our Canadian Network of Humanitarian History will meet for the first time as an affiliated committee of the Canadian Historical Association on May 29 2017 at Ryerson University. Those interested can read our latest Bulletin. This summer we are working at a virtual exhibit on humanitarian pictures of refugees. The call for stories is open until the end of June 2017.
The Carleton University Disability Research Group is bringing our brand new traveling exhibit on Educational Technologies for People Blind or Partially Sighted in Canada since 1860 to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Disability Studies Association at Ryerson University, in Room SHE 560, room May 29 to June 2. The virtual version of “Envisioning Technologies” will expand this summer, with panels on refugees, and on technologies for people who are deaf-blind.
Dimanche le 28 mai je rencontrerai mes collègues directeurs des 50 départements d’histoire du pays pour parler du merveilleux site web “Que faire avec un diplôme en histoire?” et des futurs possibles des études avancées.
On Monday May 29, I will be chairing a panel at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association entitled “« A passion for history »: A National Survey of the Education Experience of Undergraduate students” where I will also speak of the extraordinary group of second year majors in History to whom I taught his Winter.
And all through Congress, I will assist the Canadian Federation of Social Sciences and Humanities in my role as Board member for Associations for the last time in four years. It has been an honour to serve in such good company. I will spend a few hours at their kiosk at the fair and meet associations presidents and directors for breakfast.