October 2020: For three years, the Carleton University Research Group (CUDRG) has documented and promoted the accessibility of the Paterson Hall elevator. This is now done. “Carleton Collaboration Creates Automated Access to Elevators“.
September 2020. The Gendered Design in STEAM program, which I co-direct with Design colleague Bjarki Hallgrimsson, annnounced 20 awards: “Carleton Program Awards 20 Grants Across the Global South to Support Gendered Design in STEAM“.
September 2020: The Oral Histories of Disability Activists research project started, in collaboration with Socail Work colleague Therese Jennissen, under the auspices of the CUDRG, : “Announcing the launch of “Oral histories of activists in the disability rights movement between 1970 and 2020”
Fall 2020. The “Disability Futurity” virtual seminar series continues, in collaboration with the Liverpool Hope University Centre for Culture & Disability Studies (CCDS) in Liverpool, UK. Ryan Patterson coordinates the series, under the auspices of the CUDRG. There will be two seminars in the Fall. See the list here.
Fall 2020. Five Shannon Lectures in History on “Human Rights in Canadian History” have been launched. see the fiver recordigs here. I convened the series this year, in conjunction with one MA Seminar on the same theme. See the news “Carleton’s Shannon Lectures Series Explores Historical Themes that are Resurging in Current Political Atmosphere“. and “Carleton’s Final Shannon Lecture of 2020 to Focus on Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.”
Fall 2020. Our Archives, Living Histories and Heritage Working Group , under the umbrella of the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network is finishing a report on oral histories of refugees digital depositories. Last Fall 2019, we welcomed Lebanese partner Hicham Kayed. “Archive and Display: Five conversations on Lebanese forced migrations“
2020-21. The Annual program of the Ottawa Historical Association four virtual lectures is posted here. I am coordinating the series, together with the OHA Executive Committee.
2020-21. The annual program of the Brown Bag virtual lecture series in African Studies is here. I am coordinating the series this year, in collaboration with the IAS office.
Summer 2020. the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History is conducting two research projects with MITACS Accelerate funding: “Microhistories of humanitarian aid”, with doctoral candidate Helen Kennedy as lead researcher, WUSC, the Disability Network of the Centre of Lebanese Studies, the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan and the Latin America Working Group as partners (see her blog announcing the project HERE); and “Two case studies in the public history of international development policies in Canada: the Lebanese Special Measures Program (1975-1990) and the Life of Lewis Perinbam (1825-2008)”, with doctoral student Anna Lozlova as lead researcher, WUSC and the Canadian Immigration History Society as partners.