

Summer 2022 Research News
  • The Carleton University Disability Research Group is preparing a series of webinar entitled Access, Inclusion, and Disability: Connecting disability studies scholars with accessibility practitioners pairing scholars and NGOs, starting late fall, and funded by a SSHRC Connection Grant.
  • The CUDRG is finishing its project on Oral Histories of the Disability Rights Movement, 1970-2020 this Fall, with a new website and series of archived interviews.
  • We are preparing an article on “Creating, Archiving and Exhibiting Disability History: The Oral Histories of Disability Activists of the Carleton University Disability Research Group”, for t a special issue of the Journal First Monday, entitled: This Feature Has Been Disabled.

Autumn 2020 research news

October 2020: For three years, the Carleton University Research Group (CUDRG) has documented and promoted the accessibility of the Paterson Hall elevator. This is now done. “Carleton Collaboration Creates Automated Access to Elevators“.

September 2020. The Gendered Design in STEAM program, which I co-direct with Design colleague Bjarki Hallgrimsson, annnounced 20 awards: “Carleton Program Awards 20 Grants Across the Global South to Support Gendered Design in STEAM“.

September 2020: The Oral Histories of Disability Activists research project started, in collaboration with Socail Work colleague Therese Jennissen, under the auspices of the CUDRG, : “Announcing the launch of “Oral histories of activists in the disability rights movement between 1970 and 2020

Fall 2020. The “Disability Futurity” virtual seminar series continues, in collaboration with the Liverpool Hope University Centre for Culture & Disability Studies (CCDS) in Liverpool, UK. Ryan Patterson coordinates the series, under the auspices of the CUDRG. There will be two seminars in the Fall. See the list here.

Fall 2020. Five Shannon Lectures in History on “Human Rights in Canadian History” have been launched. see the fiver recordigs here. I convened the series this year, in conjunction with one MA Seminar on the same theme. See the news “Carleton’s Shannon Lectures Series Explores Historical Themes that are Resurging in Current Political Atmosphere“. and “Carleton’s Final Shannon Lecture of 2020 to Focus on Truth and Reconciliation Commissions.”

Fall 2020. Our Archives, Living Histories and Heritage Working Group , under the umbrella of the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network is finishing a report on oral histories of refugees digital depositories. Last Fall 2019, we welcomed Lebanese partner Hicham Kayed. “Archive and Display: Five conversations on Lebanese forced migrations

2020-21. The Annual program of the Ottawa Historical Association four virtual lectures is posted here. I am coordinating the series, together with the OHA Executive Committee.

2020-21. The annual program of the Brown Bag virtual lecture series in African Studies is here. I am coordinating the series this year, in collaboration with the IAS office.

Summer 2020. the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History is conducting two research projects with MITACS Accelerate funding: “Microhistories of humanitarian aid”, with doctoral candidate Helen Kennedy as lead researcher, WUSC, the Disability Network of the Centre of Lebanese Studies, the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan and the Latin America Working Group as partners (see her blog announcing the project HERE); and “Two case studies in the public history of international development policies in Canada: the Lebanese Special Measures Program (1975-1990) and the Life of Lewis Perinbam (1825-2008)”, with doctoral student Anna Lozlova as lead researcher, WUSC and the Canadian Immigration History Society as partners.

History of Childhood and Youth in 23 Objects found in the Canadian Museum of History by HIST 3115
Winter/Spring 2018 Update

Going to Congress

The panel of the Canadian Network on Humanitarian history at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association in Regina, in May 2018, was on “Histories of Humanitarianism and (Visual) Media”.  For my presentation, “‘CIDA Brings you the World! ‘Children’s Reception of Humanitarian Photographs of Children: 1980-2000”, I used the educational collection of the Canadian International Development Agency now at Carleton’s Archives and Research Collections.  Listen to the podcast of the panel is HERE.

The CNHH met for a day of workshop in Regina, to share ideas, projects and local knowledge.  We  brought back Carleton’s Visiting Fellow Valérie Gorin to Ottawa for a week at Carleton, which included a workshop of her own work, and visits to the archives.  The minutes of the meeting are HERE.

I was invited to chair the wonderful round table “So, What Will That Get You? Becoming a Historian in a Changing Job and Academic Market | Qu’est-ce que ça donne ?  Devenir historien ou historienne dans un marché d’emploi en mutation pour les universitaires”, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, University of Regina, 27 May 2018.  More work will follow to update the publication.

Writing in the works

  • “Conclusion”, in Greg Donaghy and David Webster, dir. “A Samaritan State” Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid, 1950–2016, University of Calgary Press, 2018.
  • “Ten keys to make sense of traditions in the non-profit sector in Canada” Historical Context For Intersections and Innovations: Change for Canada’s Voluntary Nonprofit Sector, edited by Susan Phillips and Bob Wyatt, in preparation.
  • Revue du Musée Canadien de l’histoire, Salle d’histoire canadienne, Canadian Historical Review.
  • Blogs on simultaneous translation and Canadian NGOs; NGOs and Canada’s centenary; etc.
  • Paper on the history of the Ethiopian Red Cross, for 2019

New supervisions

This year, I am glad to start supervising the following projects:

  • post-doctoral project of Dr. Jill Campbell Miller on foreign aid through the lens of settler colonialism using two particular hydro-electric dams constructed during the 1950s: “the Whitehorse Rapids hydroelectric project in the Yukon Territory, a long an important fishing site and meeting place for many nations in the area. And the Umtru hydroelectric project, in Meghalaya, in an area populated primarily by the indigenous Bhoi-Khasi people, a constitutionally-defined Scheduled Tribe.”
  • doctoral thesis of Helen Kennedy on Médecins sand frontières, in collaboration with Candace Sobers; and of Andriata Chironda, an oral history of the Canadian refugee regime, in collaboration with James Milner.;
  • honours supervision of Kyleigh Gault, on the T4 Program in Nazi Germany;
  • research assistantship of  Dr. Ryan Patterson, on the Mennonite Central Committee and the history of disability;
  • research assistantships of undergraduate students LuiXia Lee, on the history of Canadian nurses in China, together with Sonya Grypma; and Nicholas Leckey and Shannon Pendregast on the history of disability and technology, in collaboration with Beth Robertson.

New research projects and news from ongoing projects

The collaborative project on “Civil society and the global refugee regime: Understanding and enhancing impact through the implementation of global refugee policy” was successful (SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, 2018-2023) As the historian co-applicant, I will devise training, archiving and public history tools.

I now work with an inter-university team on “Power and humanity: contexted notions of human rights and humanitarianism in North America”.  We met in Berlin at the JFK Institute in February.  2018 will bring virtual co-teaching, one workshop, etc.

The CUDRG  is in full operation, with new virtual exhibitions in preparations on its transnational front on the Mennonite Central Committee,  participation at Spring events such as Life Science Day and the Canadian Association of the Refugees and Forces Migrations Studies, and new panels on the history of technology and deaf and blind people; and additions to the wheelchair history of Canada.


  • “Préface”, Artefact. 16ème colloque international étudiant du Département d’histoire de l’UniversitéLaval s’est tenu du 17 au 19 février 2016 à l’Université Laval, 2017, Québec, pp. 15-19.
  • Book review of “Lisa Pasolli Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma: A History of British Columbia’s Social Policy Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015. xii, 240 pp.”,  Historical Studies in Education, 29, 2 (Fall 2017), pp. 153-155.
  • Seventh bulletin of the CNHH, March 2018.
Fall/automne 2017 Update/mise à jour

14 Novembre  Conférence conjointe

-Avec Martin Laberge, “Guerre mondiale: L’éthique et l’exercice du leadership du général de Gaulle (Première d’une série de conférences sur le leadership et la seconde guerre mondiale)”, Ottawa, 14 November 2017.


L’objectif de ces rencontres est de permettre aux participants de tirer des enseignements d’exemplarité, incluant le talent, l’honneur, le courage et l’altruisme, applicables à l’exercice du leadership contemporain, dans un contexte d’incertitude et d’enjeux complexes aux lourdes conséquendes humaines, éthiques et stratégiques. À cet égard, le parcours du général Charles de Gaulle, entre 1939 et 1945, révèle une série de décisions extraordinaires et peu connues. À partir de témoignages, de documents historiques et d’archives récemment découvertes, les conférenciers examinent les choix difficiles et la relation du général de Gaulle avec ses puissants adversaires au sein de l’alliance contre l’occupation.

Plusieurs décisions reconnues bien-fondées après la Guerre ont présenté, en leur temps, des défis immenses pour ce leader qui fut sous-estimé, voire souvent isolé même par ses alliés incontournables.

4-15 December Departmental Exhibition

Jose Venturelli Eade, Muralist. Carleton celebrates 45 years with the Chilean diaspora







We are delighted to invite you to the launch of an exhibition of murals by Jose Venturelli Eade. We look forward to welcoming you to an enjoyable and informative evening of discussion and reflection about the relations between Chile and Canada, and the role of art in Latin American social movements.

Jose Venturelli Eade (1924-1988) was a painter, engraver, stage designer and Italian-Chilean muralist. His work includes the mural América, I do not invoke your name in vain, which is housed in the library of the Central House of the University of Chile (1950) and the mural Chile for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development III in 1972. After the military coup in Chile in 1973, Eade went into exile in Switzerland. He died in China in 1988, where he had served as Latin American ambassador and general secretary of the Movement for Peace for the countries of Asia, Africa and the Pacific.

One of the first Chilean refugees to arrive in Ottawa, Leonore Leon, has acquired the rights to print and display reproductions of the murals and of the stained-glass windows he made for the oldest church in Geneva during his stay there, as well as a few murals from his teacher.

Carleton will be the first venue because of how welcoming the University was to Chilean refugees at the time, and also because of the mural painted by Chilean students of Carleton in the early 1970s, which is a permanent fixture in the foyer of the Department of History.

8-10 December CUDRG Symposium

A Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research, History Exhibits and Pedagogy









Please join us from Friday, December 8th – Sunday, December 10th for a symposium and workshop entitled “Disability | Technology | Inclusion”. This symposium seeks to draw researchers and teachers from across the university and beyond to discuss and workshop the ongoing work of Carleton University’s Disability Research Group (CUDRG).

One of our primary goals will be to begin to draft a set of best practices for the design and pedagogical uses of accessible virtual and physical exhibitions pertaining to the history of disability and technology. The symposium will begin with a broad overview of the CUDRG’s origins and its various projects to date, followed by a set of sessions in which we will discuss how to further the accessibility goals of the CUDRG, the best uses of virtual and physical exhibits within the classroom, as well as constructive ways in which we might grow and enhance these types of initiatives through multidisciplinary and cross-faculty research and pedagogical collaborations. The final day of the symposium will be dedicated to piloting and work shopping the latest exhibit episode developed by the CUDRG on disability, refugees and technology.

The Third Bulletin of the Canadian Network of Humanitarian History is Out

The Third Newsletter of the CNHH was sent out to the membership and subscribers this morning. The full text of the bulletin can be read below. This update addresses new members and news from the membership, past and future events, publications, and conferences of the Network, and the future research projects and funding.

News from the Membership, Past and Future Events, Research Project and Funding.
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Dear Colleagues,Members:
Since the CNHH last Bulletin in May, two people have joined the network:

David Meren, Professor Adjoint, Université de Montréal – Drawing on cultural history, social history, and postcolonial studies, Dr. Meren explores the evolution of Canada and Quebec’s places in the world and how their international activities shaped and were shaped by the experiences of people living in the northern half of North America. In 2012, he published With Friends Like These: Entangled Nationalisms and the Canada-Québec-France Triangle, 1944-1970 (UBC Press), leading to the exploration of the concept of “nationhood” in an increasingly globalized world. He is currently co-editing a volume on Canadian international history from the perspective of race.

Deanne van Tol, Assistant Professor, Redeemer University – Interests: History of Humanitarianism, welfare, gender and empire in 20th century sub-Saharan Africa.

You may see the whole list here: Please continue to show the website to colleagues, partner organizations, archivists and students. Let us know when the information about your work posted on the members list needs to be updated.

News from members:
Marie-Luise Ermisch wrote in June: “I am currently working at the Canadian International Resources and Development Institute (CIRDI) as a program manager for their Mongolia file. The aim of my project is to work with Mongolians to improve communication around mining. I actually just came back from a field mission to Mongolia this Sunday. It’s such a fascinating place, undergoing a lot of historical change in a short period of time.” She has accepted to write a blog for the CNHH about her experience. “[…] A social media rep at Oxfam GB ask[ed] about my work on Oxfam. She wants to curate a social media campaign commemorating Operation Oasis, 50 years after the fact. Apparently she has my doctoral thesis printed and bound on her desk. It was a very nice surprise and demonstrates that the work we are doing is relevant. It also made me miss history.”

Sarah Glassford collaborated to the wonderful virtual exhibition “120 Years of the Canadian Red Cross” which was launched a few weeks ago. She is on her way to Adelaide for the conference on the “Histories of the Red Cross Movement: Continuity and Change” on September 9-11, for which she will act as the ambassador of the CNHH and write a blog on her return.

Jill Campbell Miller won an AMS Postdoctoral Fellowship ( )
– a one-year fellowship with a maximum stipend of $45,000 and a $2500 research and travel grant to support projects related to the history of health care, disease, medicine, or the education of health professionals. Her project will collect research regarding the history of Canadian participation in health-related humanitarian and development work in South and Southeast Asia between 1950 and 1968, with a particular focus on healthcare-related education and training programs.Events, past and future:
The third workshop of the network took place in Calgary, in the wake of Congress. You may read the account here, written by our Research Assistant for the occasion, Sandy Barron.
The recording of the panel on ““Aid, Advocacy, Development and Faith in the Digital Age” held by the CNHH at the Canadian Historical Association Meeting in June is now posted.The CNHH is collaborating with the Greg Donaghy, head of History Directorate of Global Affairs Canada, and David Webster, member of the CNHH at Bishop University, towards a Conference entitled ““A Samaritan State” Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid, 1950-2016” on December 12 and 13 2016, held in Ottawa on the Department’s premises. The program and registration information will be up soon on the CNHH website. For more information in the meantime, please contact Dominique Marshall ( There will be a workshop ahead of the meeting on the archives of CIDA, and the CNHH is preparing a colleagues’ guide to their use, under the responsibility of Kevin Bruschett. Ahead of the meeting, the CNHH will also interview Keith Spicer, on the making of his book “A Samaritan State” half a century ago.

We plan at least one seminar in the months to come by fellow doctoral student Andrée-Anne Plourde, PhD candidate at Laval University, who researches the history of the youth Red Cross, during the years 1914-1945, in a comparative perspective (North America, South America and Europe), and has spent the summer in the archives of the Federation of Red Cross societies in Geneva. The specific information will be posted later. All can join, in person or virtually. Let us know ahead of time if you plan to come to Ottawa, so that we can welcome you for a talk about your work.

We also plan a call for papers early in 2017 for a special issue of the Journal of Canadian Studies for 2019, devoted to the history of humanitarian aid in Canada.

Please check the website for the many call for papers, events announcement, and send news our way, either by using the “Contact us” form on the website or by writing to Dominique Marshall. See for instance the CFP for the 100 years of the Mennonites Central Committee in 2020 in Winnipeg.

Research projects and funding:
A dedicated team of half a dozen members and colleagues will start a new application for a SSHRC Partnership Development Fund, for a project of collaborative research and teaching. Let us know if you would be interested to join the team. Our internal deadline is mid-October.

The CNHH is applying for a MITACS Accelerate fellowship together with the Latin America Working Group, the Match International Women’s Fund, CUSO International and Partnership Africa Canada, which will allow us to hire a graduate student for one term of full time work towards the histories of these four organizations.

The Migration and Diaspora Studies (Carleton University) funded project of a virtual exhibition on pictures of refugees in humanitarian aid will be on its way in the Fall. We will be hiring a research assistant and collect pictures from all partners.

We will try again to work with Carleton University funding for honours students, and with the Department of History’s third year “Practicum”, this time with Médecins du monde, in order to help with the organization of their archives and the preparation for their 20th anniversary. The experience of such work with Partnership Africa Canada last Spring has been encouraging. Their Communications Officer, Zuzia Danielsky, has contributed a blog to the CNHH which you can read here.

The website posts opportunities for funding, positions, and scholarships regularly. See, for instance, the open calls for scholarships/bursaries to visit the archives of Oxfam at the Bodleian Library regularly , and those of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Archives in New York of in Jerusalem.

Nassisse Solomon contributed to the CNHH blog in May:1984: The Parable of Ethiopian Famine and Foreign Aid

Zuzia Daniesky wrote this month on “Partnership Africa Canada reaches into 30-years of archives with Carleton and CNHH

Please send news about publications, yours or other of interest, to be posted on the website’s “collective bibliography” or “recent publications”. Course materials will be posted in the “teaching” section. And news about archives in the section entitled “Questions of humanitarian archives”.Thanks to Carleton PhD candidate Sean Eedy, who will continue to be the webmaster for the Fall.


Dominique Marshall

The First Newsletter of the Canadian Network of Humanitarian History is Out

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Welcome to the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History Newsletter

Dear colleagues of the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History,

It is my pleasure to announce the launch of the network’s website.  Please have a look at , and use the form “contact us” to send suggestions, events, blogs and images.  The site was the product of the reflection conducted in Ottawa last May during the second workshop of the network.  Three research assistants mentioned here then helped to put it together.  We hope that it is useful to you, your colleagues and students.  We have a rich list of blogs lined up for the coming six months, with places left if you are planning on sending one.  The latest was written by our current RA, Sean Eedy, on the time when Germans were refugees and not hosts.  Read it here.

Upcoming Events

The network’s third workshop will take place in Calgary after Congress, on Thursday June 2, from 8:30-5:00.  It will be free, but please register here.  We yet have to tell you in exactly which room of the University, but we have it booked together with catering, and a special event on the Wednesday evening before, when the Network was invited to introduce the conference of Romeo Dallaire, organized by our hosts in Calgary (more to come). It will be an occasion to plan future research and events, and to take store of existing projects.

The 2016 Canadian Historical Association Congress will be held May 29-June 1.  Members of the Network will be presenting paper at the “Aid, Advocacy, Development, and Faith in the Pre-Digital Age” panel (scheduling to be determined).

Ongoing Research

In the wake of last year’s Congress in Ottawa, historians, NGO workers and archivists volunteered to put together a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant to foster historical work with NGOs. The news of the competition will come in March. Whichever way this decision comes down, research is happening. At the moment, from the Network itself, Carleton honours students Eleanor Barney, is working as an undergraduate RA to provide the Partnership Africa Canada Communications Director, Zuzia Danielski, a report of the PAC’s history for use as part of their 30th anniversary plans.

The work of archival description of the 160 Match International boxes for Carleton Archives and Research Collections continues. This will help prepare for the activities of their upcoming anniversary. The network also helped to preserve archives and memories when the Canadian Hunger Foundation closed last fall. See the post on this here.

Since our last meeting the CNHH is richer of more than a dozen new members.  You can see the growing list here. If you don’t see your name, please send me a message through our website’s contact form, or by replying to this message.


Dominique Marshall

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Copyright © 2016 Canadian Network on Humanitarian History, All rights reserved.

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Parution de mon article sur les participants Noirs à la Conférence sur l’enfance africaine de 1931

Usages de la notion de « droits des enfants » par les populations coloniales : la Conférence de l’enfance africaine de 1931

Écoutez l’entrevue sur l’article et la notion des droits de l’enfant donnée à l’émission 3600 secondes d’histoire, le 25 février 2016 à CHYZ, la radio des étudiants de l’Université Laval ICI.

RI_161_L204Résumé:  À la fin de juin 1931, douze hommes et femmes noirs venus de trois continents se rendirent à Genève pour une Conférence sur l’enfance africaine conviée par l’Union internationale de secours aux enfants. Les antécédents, les motivations et les termes des engagements respectifs de la douzaine de sujets des colonies ainsi que plus de 200 Occidentaux sont étudiés pour découvrir des sujets débouchant sur des impasses, des ententes, des différences reconnues, et de dresser le portrait des possibilités d’action que l’universalisme de l’entre-deux-guerres a pu offrir aux sujets coloniaux. En examinant les biographies ultérieures de ces participants, cet article tente d’évaluer l’impact qu’eut le nouveau discours des droits des enfants sur les pratiques et les identités du continent africain.

“Uses of the Notion of Children’s Rights by Colonial Populations: the Conference on African Children of 1931”

 Abstract: Towards the end of June 1931, twelve Black men and women from three continents came to Geneva for a Conference on African children organised by the Save the Children International Union. This study of the antecedents, the motivations and the terms of the respective commitments of this dozen of colonial subjects with more than two hundred western participants uncovers topics of agreement, deadlocks, and of acknowledgements of differences. It identifies the possibilities of actions offered by the language of universality to these Black participants and the people they represented. By examining their subsequent careers, this article also attempts at assessing the impact of the new discourse on the rights of children on practices and identities on the African continent.

Plan de l’article

  1. Invitations et hésitations : l’admission de « quelques rares africains »
  2. Les droits des enfants, idiome d’un réformisme libéral et colonial : « la délicate question de l’égalité raciale »
  3. Les droits des enfants à l’épreuve de la critique économique et politique des empires
  4. Itinéraires post-coloniaux du langage des droits des enfants : Addis Abeba, Kingston, Harlem, Londres et ailleurs
  5. Conclusion
  6. Remerciements
Introducing Uriel: Summer Student Joins Canadian Network for Humanitarian Aid


My name is Carlos Uriel Contreras Flores, and I am Professor Dominique Marshall’s Research Assistant for this summer 2015. She has named me the main administrator for the Canadian Network on Humanitarian Aid’s website. After the “Second Canadian Workshop on the History of Humanitarian Aid”, which will take place at Carleton University in Ottawa this weekend, I will be creating a new site for the network according to the ideas, suggestions and preferences of its members.


Me and the former Minister President of the Mexican Federal Electoral Institute, Luis Carlos Ugalde, at the Library Auditorium of the Tecnologico de Monterrey Puebla Campus on November 5 2013

I am a Mexican undergraduate student coming from Tecnologico de Monterrey Puebla Campus, and I study International Relations. During my undergraduate studies I have won prizes for literature works, been awarded several times as the best student on my bachelor degree, and been elected president of the International Relations Student Society. I was also the president of the organizing committee of the Simposio de Asuntos Internacionales y Politica Exterior (International Affairs and Foreign Policy Symposium) a major event held in Tecnologico de Monterrey Puebla Campus in 2013. Topics regarding international cooperation, the reform of the United Nations and the fight against human trafficking were part of the event. Several academic personalities, functionaries and politicians participated as speakers. You can find articles about it (in Spanish), like this one.

Uriel at Science Po Paris

Me at Sciences Po Paris

One of the topics that interest me the most is how development is promoted and achieved around the world, and how the international society organizes to bring humanitarian aid to the peoples that need it the most in times of crisis and catastrophes. This is why last year I took the course “Humanitarian aid and development” at Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences-Po Paris) in my exchange semester.

While I was living in Paris I heard about the program the organization Mitacs Globalink offers to undergraduate students from around the world. This consists on Research Internships in dozens of Canadian universities; each Globalink Research Intern would assist a professor on a research project for twelve weeks during summer 2015.

Uriel and Friend

Me and a friend promoting a campaign for a NGO that takes care of children who live in the streets

I saw Professor Dominique Marshall’s project being offered and due to my interests in humanitarian aid, in the role of NGO’s like Oxfam (which fights inequities around the world and promotes development) and in XX century History, I decided to apply.  Some months later I was notified I had been accepted to this program.

Me and a friend promoting a campaign for a NGO that takes care of children who live in the streets

So now I am currently at Carleton University in Ottawa, and as I said before I will be managing the new website for the network, and will make contributions to the current website. If you have any particular suggestion for the website and its content do not hesitate to fill up a contact form or email me at I’m at your service.

Best wishes and enjoy what the Canadian Network on Humanitarian Aid’s website has to offer to you!

Read our tribute to the scholarly work of Bettina Bradbury, my doctoral supervisor, on the occasion of her retirement

Last June, four of Bettina’s former graduate students met at the Canadian Historical Association‘s Annual meeting the time of a roundtable about her work.  The oldest of them all, I spoke – in French – of the way she supervised my research in the late 1980s, and about supervision in general.  Labour/Le travail published our roundtable this week.  You may read our contributions here.

In addition, thanks to the tireless radio work of Sean Graham, Active History posted an audio recording of the roundtable last month, which included, at the end, Bettina’s own comments.

Some of these thoughts were about retirement, a topic about which the President of the American Historical Association, Jan Goldstein, wrote eloquently about in her October 2014 column of the AHA’s Bulletin, Perspectives on History, in generous ways that converged with Bettina’s.

Bettina is retiring shortly, and she gave a talk on her work at her university, York, last year, entitled “Twists, Turns and Tall Shoulders”

Her colleagues organized a symposium on her work last Winter, with a wonderful program. You can find the program here..

She also became a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada last year, and gave a shorter talk then.